Keeping The Weight Off After Weight Loss

With the weight loss you have managed to achieve you may think that you have done the hard part. But then I am sorry, I have to disappoint you, because the hard part starts now. Keeping it off. You can lose weight in many different ways, and maybe you have taken some short-cuts, like only drinking juice and water for a couple of weeks, and if you have, you have put your body into starvation mode so once you start eating more normally, which you have to if you are not interested in collapsing, then your body will suck up every inch of fat it can get in order to make up for the shock-therapy you have put it through.
But, even if you have followed a strict routine and a balanced diet, the hard part is still ahead of you.
Eat, Eat, Eat
This might seem like a rather strange tip when it comes to keeping that weight off, but the fact of the matter is, that if you start skipping meals, you are only cheating yourself since not having that morning breakfast actually can cause your metabolism to slow down.
Keep A Journal
Document your every step but do it with honesty. Write up what you eat and drink, even when you have been bad, as it can help you to establish a pattern of what sets you off and makes you stray of the path you have laid out for yourself. Include your daily training routines in the journal, see how different food groups corresponds to different types of training, but always remember to keep your diet balanced and varied, because if you do not get all the nutrients you need, it can be seriously harmful for you.
The Green Plate
Vegetables and fruit are always a popular choice when it comes to keeping your desired weight. They are full of nutrition and healthy natural fats that your body will need if it is going to be able to make best use of the daily work-out routine. Whole grains are a good tip as well, anything with lean protein sources will be beneficial for you in your struggle. But remember, it is not all hardship and torment, as you have gotten rid of the excess weight, and gotten past the first few weeks when training is just a necessary evil, you will start to see other results than just being of normal weight. Your body will start to tone up, building muscles and strength, and the training will become the most healthy addiction that you ever could get hooked on.
Pretty soon, you will not be able to picture a life without it. And when you have reached that stage, then it will not only be hard work and no pain, no gain, then you will feel the energy and joy involved in eating and living healthy and you will be able to keep that weight loss that you struggled so hard to get.
This is an article about weight loss, and how to avoid immediately gaining it all again.


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